Meeting documents

Dorset County Council County Council
Monday, 15th February, 2016 10.00 am

  • Meeting of County Council, Monday, 15th February, 2016 10.00 am (Item 13.)


(Note: Members had been granted dispensations in order to take part and vote in relation to the budget and council tax setting items on the agenda following the elections held in 2013.)


The Chairman highlighted that the Council was required to take a recorded vote following discussion of the budget.   


The Leader of the Council presented the budget for 2016/17 to 2018/19 (a copy of the Leader's speech is set out in an annexure to these minutes).  He proposed the recommendations put forward by the Cabinet, with a particular focus on the challenges faced by the Council in relation to the very late Government financial settlement, which required additional savings to provide a balanced budget, even after transitional relief had been included in the settlement.  The proposals were seconded by the Deputy Leader.


Cllr Janet Dover, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, then addressed the meeting and expressed concern regarding continued cuts to budgets and services, the amount of reserves and balances, the level of borrowing, and the influence of Government on Council funding for ‘life and death’ services for children and adults. Particular concern was raised in respect of future planned savings regarding rural bus subsidies which could leave people isolated and impact on travel to medical appointments, education and employment.  A further concern was expressed in relation to cuts to youth services and felt that there was a case to ring-fence and support funding for youth provision.  In addition Cllr Dover was given confirmation by the Leader of the Council that the proposed formation of a Budget Strategy Task and Finish Group would produce public notes as far as possible and be politically proportionate.  She summarised by indicating that the Liberal Democrat Group would support a council tax increase of 3.99% to ensure people received services at an acceptable level, but that this did not mean that the Group agreed with the budget strategy. 


Cllr Paul Kimber, Leader of Labour and Cooperative Group, welcomed the use of mutualisation of the arts service and advocated the model for other services including the possibility of youth services. Concern was expressed about the changes being implemented to youth provision, especially in relation to Portland.  He encouraged the Council to provide clear leadership to communities regarding future savings and any changes, including local coordination with and representation by MPs and MEPs.  Concern was also expressed in relation to the Council being let down by Government.  In summary, he thanked the Council’s workforce for working hard when morale was low, and committed to the Labour Group taking part in the Budget Strategy Task and Finish Group.


Members took the opportunity to ask questions regarding the budget setting process and particular items within the budget, and Cabinet members responded to each of the individual points raised.  Issues discussed included the ability of the Council to react to Government spending reviews, lobbying of MPs and MEPs, impact of budget pressures on residents, future provision of Youth Services, rural bus services and community transport, day centres, the need for increased member engagement in local division issues, capital financing requirements, the social care additional precept of 2%, the future of local government in Dorset, recovery of misapplied council tax payment for the past three years, and the need for an increased economic growth focus within financial planning.


An amendment to the budget recommendations by Cllr Kate Wheller was discussed regarding a deferral of the decision to change youth service provision for up to 12 months to give communities more time to prepare business cases.  Assurance was given by the Leader of the Council that flexibility would be given to communities regarding timing, support and developing options if there was a genuine reason for providing more time. The amendment was withdrawn following the assurance given.


An amendment was proposed by Cllr Mike Byatt, and seconded by Cllr Paul Kimber, to improve social and economic growth through support towards the provision of housing. It was therefore proposed that recommendation 24a(1c) be amended to read ‘the position on general balances and reserves, and to set aside £4m to invest in a strategic housing development partnership including social housing’.  On being put to the vote the amendment was lost. 


In accordance with Standing Order 44, the votes for and against Recommendation 24a(1a) were recorded as follows:-


For (25)

Pauline Batstone, Michael Bevan, Andrew Cattaway, Ronald Coatsworth, Robin Cook, Toni Coombs, Hilary Cox, Deborah Croney, Lesley Dedman, Peter Finney, Spencer Flower, Ian Gardner, Robert Gould, Peter Hall, Jill Haynes, Colin Jamieson, David Jones, Rebecca Knox, Mike Lovell, Peter Richardson, William Trite, Daryl Turner, David Walsh, Peter Wharf and John Wilson.


Against (16)

Richard Biggs, Mike Byatt, Barrie Cooper, Janet Dover, Fred Drane, Beryl Ezzard, David Harris, Susan Jefferies, Mervyn Jeffery, Trevor Jones, Ros Kayes, Paul Kimber, David Mannings, Ian Smith, Clare Sutton and Kate Wheller


In accordance with Standing Order 44, the votes for and against Recommendation 24a(1b), (1c), 2 and 3 were recorded as follows:-


For (37)

Pauline Batstone, Michael Bevan, Richard Biggs, Andrew Cattaway, Ronald Coatsworth, Robin Cook, Toni Coombs, Barrie Cooper, Hilary Cox, Deborah Croney, Lesley Dedman, Janet Dover, Fred Drane, Beryl Ezzard, Peter Finney, Spencer Flower, Ian Gardner, Robert Gould, Peter Hall, David Harris, Jill Haynes, Colin Jamieson, Susan Jefferies, Mervyn Jeffery, David Jones, Trevor Jones, Rebecca Knox, Mike Lovell, David Mannings, Peter Richardson, Ian Smith, Clare Sutton, William Trite, Daryl Turner, David Walsh, Peter Wharf and John Wilson.


Against (3)

Mike Byatt, Paul Kimber and Kate Wheller.


(The following member abstained from voting on the recommendations: Ros Kayes)



That the recommendation of the Cabinet be adopted.


Recommendation 24a – Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) and Budget 2016/17 to 2019/20

1.         That the County Council be recommended to approve:

a)         the revenue budget strategy for 2016/17 to 2019/20;

b)         the budget requirement and precept for 2016/17; and

c)         the position on general balances and reserves;

2.         That the Chief Financial Officer be required to present to the County Council a schedule setting out the Council Tax for each category of dwelling and the precepts on each of the Dorset Councils for 2016/17.

3.         That a cross party Budget Strategy Task and Finish Group be established in order to develop savings proposals to address budget gaps over the remainder of the MTFP period.


Reason for Recommendations

To approve the Council Tax increase for 2016/17 and to enable work to continue on refining and managing the County Council’s budget strategy for 2016/17 and beyond.

Supporting documents: